Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lovely 5th


Its a gift that it comes to 5th, which i din met it for long time. 
i really appreciate and value it so much.
received a special present from the "City of Angels" by someone special,
on this special day. AWESOME!!

The gift from Hua Hin by
someone special. 
There's a song i wana dedicate for the 5th:
Name: A Song for You 

You taught me precious secrets of the truth witholding nothing,
You came out in front and I was hiding, 
But now I'm so much better,
If my words don't come together,
Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding.
I love you in a place where there's no space or time,
I love you for in my life cause you are a friend of mine,
And when my life is over,
Remember when we were together,
We were alone and I was singing this song for you.. ^^

2B. Good night!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Doux et Merveilleux

Perhentian Trip!!!

The sweetest and awesome trip i ever had in my life!!!

Wish to have more to come in the future!!! 

With U, B of cuz! XD

Much Much love for u!! Huuggggiieessss~~~

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Story of 2012


So long never update this blog!! i don't even know how to start anymore... hmmmm...
Okay lets start with my job. I'm DONE with it!! surviving in this crazy working environment for 8 months its like a miracle for me! i need to find some holes to climb out from here... suffocate me for 8 months already... i need a break... i remember that day, i almost broke down in the office!! Maniac creatures there!! its like living in together with the 100 models in one small house.... T__T.... luckily i have some training to attend and passed my times so fast! phew~~

Met some new friends and i love them so much!! had lots of fun with them!!

The Boys~~

The girls~~

Love all of them~~ had lots of fun!!! Gonna miss them so much~~ gonna miss my "vacation" there with them... sigh...
I hope that my application will have a good news and please give me answer as soon as possible!!! *pray hard*

Aiya... don't talk about my lousy job anymore.... sad story~~

Now, lets talk about how i celebrate my beloved festival, Christmas and New Year and CNY!! (actually i like all festivals la XP)
On the christmas eve, i fly to a place which ppl never thought i would be, The City of Greenery and Brownish? LOL...
i met someone there, a special one, a very special one, at first i am still doubtful whether should i be here or run to other place, but after a while, surprisingly i cool down my mind and i started to feel much comfortable with that person and the place. the day start, there this song, "Just a Kiss - Lady Antebellum" starts to play around me~~ the whole song is describing how i feel and what we are now~~

Just a Kiss - Lady Antebellum
Lying here with you so close to me
It's hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe
Caught up in this moment
Caught up in your smile

I've never opened up to anyone
So hard to hold back when I'm holding you in my arms
We don't need to rush this
Let's just take it slow

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
No, I don't wanna mess this thing up
I don't wanna push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright
With just a kiss goodnight

I know that if we give this a little time
It'll only bring us closer to the love we wanna find
It's never felt so real
No it's never felt so right

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
No, I don't wanna mess this thing up
I don't wanna push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright
With just a kiss goodnight

No I don't want to say goodnight
I know it's time to leave, but you'll be in my dreams

Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
No, I don't wanna mess this thing up
I don't wanna push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright

Ooooh, let's do this right,
Just a kiss goodnight
With a kiss goodnight
Kiss goodnight...

Awww..... so many sweet things happened!!! i really can't believed with what happened to me!!
First time ever i spent so many festivals with my special one! First time! even my birthday!!! oh i dreaming?
i never had the chance to celebrate with my special one... a simple but very sweet for me...

The sweetest gift ever!!!! Thanks B!!! <3

i will never forget this moment in my life.... Theres too much of memoirs to spit all out...
although its just a few short months, but we have lots of sweet things together. Mesmerizing!!


Just a Kiss + A Thousand Years + I Look To You = Us
(its like a story if u link all the songs together. haha)

Okay la, i guess i have to stop here... too much to update in a day, cannot la~~~ haha... its time to sleep! good night world!

The latest me... LOL

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


am i dependent? or am i not?
well, last time i admit i am dependent.
everything "daddy" here "daddy" there,
but now, i've grown up alot.
most of the times, i do things my own.
i dont ask for helps if i am able to.
although i might looks like i am still very dependent person,
well, u wont believe what have i done all this while, alone.
yea, maybe to others this is normal, but for me, i am a guy that never leaves his footstep alone out from his family.
my first time take flight, i was alone. i dono where to go and what should i do, i made some stupid questions to strangers, but i did it, on my own.
i travel ups and down to almost every part in malaysia, alone.
i even drive back to KL from my uni, alone.
i eat, i sleep, i play, i walk, i dance, i live, all by myself.
i didn't complaint.
i do things never ask for companion if i am able.
what else should i do to prove that i am independent?
Perhaps, i should go travel to another country, Alone i guess.

tonight there's a zero fare. i guess i wana go a place, where can find my inner peace. out from others... although, i do admit, i wan to go with my loves one... i like to travel with my loves one... but i guess i am not going to have the permit to do so yet...

Hm.... decision... might be going to Bali alone i guess. ^^
will see how tonight. ^^

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Well, i am just not good enough.


Been working for a month in PB, and i already started to feel the pressure... no one knows what i faced and how they expect on me... the more expectation, the more pressure i get... i am new here, please don't push me to hard, u, u, u and u will just made me suffocate...
I am being lecture in the office, being lecture in my home, and i don't need anymore lecture from others already... i had enough... i don't need anymore nagging...

And one more very particular things i really care about, which is TRUST. Once the trust is gone, i will be gone too. All this while for 23 years, i never gain any trust from anyone.Its like my shadow that will not leave me even a second, DOUBT is my curse i guess. Its not like i am giving up easily, i am still trying... trying very hard... but in this month... i guess i lost my faith in myself... thats why i broke ppl's heart.. i cant take it anymore... i need a break.

U can said anything u wan, i am weak, i am sucks in relationship, i dun deserve anyone and what-so-ever. Yea, maybe u are right, why don't u think of why i will treat u like that? Well, some-others cant really see their wrong side, they will always win. i don't blame them, everyone have their flaws...


focus with my works, need to learn more, i got a great job, and a great position.i am grateful for that, thanks to u my dear god, i should not complaint anymore. Any to nurse a grievance, just suck it up and swallow it and digest it and fart it, everything will be fine again.




My Love



銘心 刻骨
明天 開始
銘心 刻骨
明天 開始
銘心 刻骨
因為你的悲喜已經有了 容身之處
我也 能有 最純粹的孤獨

Love u Hebe~

Sunday, August 7, 2011

AUG: working life START!

my working life started since 1st of AUG....
many things to learnt and memorize!!! i hope i can catch up fast enough to impress my senior and my managers... sob sob*
luckily i have a great senior and colleague that helps me alot. thank god for treating me so good. i will work harder and earn more for me and my family lor! EMM!

6 months to go and i will be promote! cant wait for it! hehe.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

July the brand nouveau départ

Halo my beloved Blog~~ its been awhile i abandoned u~ i am so sorry~~ i came back to visit u again now baby~

Lots of things happened in this few months, good and bad all comes in together. Well, this is life, face it bitch(me)! Ups and down only will paint ur life with various of colors~

i am graduated, like finally! OMG. i passed with flying colors this last semester! HELLO! i get DEAN list man!! In this freaking hardest last semester!! Not much ppl actually get dean list in the last semester and i get it!!! i am so happy!! (i tout i might be failed after i done my exam). Now i only wish that i can wait my Convocation and get my cert smoothly~~ i wana have a very big size DOMOKUN!!! Cant wait for it!! XD

although i am graduated.... but i am still jobless.... until now!!! i have been a rotten guy that sit in front of the lappie for month than a month lor!!! Others were like work for one month dy... and i am still here, blogging.... its not that i cant get any job offer, i rejected 3 job offers!!! Even Public bank i rejected!! OMG.... too arrogant?? nah... i prefer Kuantan job... so i can at least be with my two old dearest one here which is my dad and my mum for a while first.... haiz... fast fast give me a job offer la god~~ i wan start work lor~~ i dont want to slack around like a useless person...
hopefully i can get some calls TMR!!! *finger cross*

a really heart ache news for us last two weeks... my uncle just passed away... its a very very heart breaking news for all of us... especially my grandparents.... i saw them cried so hard... my heart scattered around... i never seen them crying before... and my mum, its been a long time my mum never cried in such a pain... she is a woman that i really look up to... she is a really strong woman... a woman that happy go lucky (sometimes when the mood come in angst, beware to take cover ya, must wear a protection!!) but that day, she cried, i cant do anything but to hug her tightly, and my dad too. Haiz.... life is unpredictable... but its kind of relieved cuz at least my uncle doesn't have to suffer from the pain anymore... hopefully he will have a peaceful and full of joy on the other side. we always love u.

After that, i guessed that my grandpa too exhausted, and caused him fainted last week... which is a shocked news for all of us again... i am really worried for my grandma... i love them so much.... i stayed with them when i was small... for so many years... they are precious for me... i really hopes that my grandparents will recover soon... grandpa!! get well soon!!! God pls let them recover soon!! T___T

since i am not working yet... so i joined PIKOM pc fair 2011 and be the team leader. Its a really good experience. i learn alot and i had lots of fun. i stayed alone that few days because my parents went to KT to visit my grandparents.

hello!! my braces are gone!!! i removed it dy!!! my and wan yi finally removed it dy!!! WUHU!!! celebration!! but we still have to wear the retainers for years to come. HAIZ.... But hey! i have a brand new gorgeous teeth to show my charming smile! (such a thick face that never feel shamed! u are ugly bitch!T___T).

finger cross u bird, Bird! Thanks for coming down to me from heaven, i will appreciate it alot! i wont ever waste what God send to me, which is u Bird! i will precious u like the best u ever had!

Guys, SERIOUSLY, appreciate every single second, stop complaining and enjoy the view of this world before its too late! (although nowadays the world become uglier la...but there still have some nice exquisite view out there!) carpe diem mate~~

thats all for now~~
Dear July, i wish it will a good start for me into brand new (working) world ya!!! Ciao~